A Brotherhood of Exemplary Leaders
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Learn how you can give back to the organization that made us into men of character.
Established in 1910 as a high school fraternity, Tau Delta Phi was founded as a Fraternity at City College of New York, The New York College of Dentistry, and New York University simultaneously in 1914.
From its inception, Tau Delta Phi has demonstrated its progressive place within the fraternal movement. Its exceptional direction has led Tau Delta Phi to be a fraternity of firsts: the first to end fraternal segregation, the first modest sized national fraternity to remove pledging and operate under a developmental training model for all members, and one of the first organizations to be accepting of men based solely on the content of their character, not the color of their skin, the way they choose to worship or not worship God, the country their family comes from, or even who they choose to fall in love with.
Tau Delta Phi Fraternity works daily to realize its vision to develop a brotherhood of exemplary leaders whose character and reputation earn respect and uncommon admiration. Our men strive everyday to uphold our public motto: “He Shall Not Want, As Long As I Breathe, For He is My Brother.”
We invite you to explore our Brotherhood and learn more about the Fraternity. It’s great to be a Tau Delt!
What is a Tau Delt?
“A Tau Delt is a a gentleman that is generous with his time. He creates time to help other when they are in need of assistance. He is a wise man who gives great insight when dealing with complex issue. He is a leader that created a positive and safe environment. He is boost commitment to their fraternity and to his brothers. He is kind to other regardless of their Greek life affiliation. He also serves as a mentor to his family. He is a man of great power that uses it wisely to create more Tau Delts.”
– Bryan, Delta Sigma
“Being a Tau Delt is more being a part of an organization. It’s being brothers all together and relying on each other to personally grow as an individual and as brothers.”
– Alexander, Delta Rho
“A respectable man who truly cares for his goals and others in which he not only brings himself up but others with him as well.”
-Temitayo, Delta Tau
“A Tau Delt is an individual who has proven himself to a be a responsible and upstanding team player. A Tau Delt is quite literally a brother, a member of your family because you have their back and they have yours. “
– Spencer, Delta Iota