Coat of Arms
The Coat-of-Arms is the physical representation of the ideas and ideals of the Fraternity. Permission to use this is granted to all members of the Fraternity, and can be represented on jewelry and stationery.

Great Seal
The Great Seal of the Fraternity is used only by the Executive Council and Grand Chapter. It is placed on all official Fraternity documents and on all legal paperwork. It is never used as a decoration.

Fraternity Logo
The Fraternity Logo is used by the National Fraternity, and is encouraged for use at the local chapter level. The Logo is a representation of our organization’s journey, and each frater’s journey toward exceptional direction and dynamic purpose. The Logo can only be used in the colors of black and white or blue and white.
Our Creed
We the Brothers of Tau Delta Phi believe that… “Tau Delta Phi is a way of life. It is a way of life deeply concerned with the growth and development of the individual. It is a way of life which seeks to develop personality, promote mutual understanding, and provide a college home. It is a way of life which encourages better scholarship, broadens outside interests, and builds social poise. It is a way of life which promotes moral and social culture and establishes confidence and friendly relations in matters of common interest. It is a way of life which recognizes the need for mutual assistance in the honorable labors and aspirations of life. It is a way of life which is pledged to cultivation of the intellect, unsullied friendship, and unfaltering fidelity.”
~ Frater Michael M. Rudner, Tau Gamma’1951
Our Vision
Tau Delta Phi Fraternity develops a brotherhood of exemplary leaders whose character and reputation earn respect and uncommon admiration.
Our Mission
Tau Delta Phi’s ritual is the guiding light which leads our men toward success. Tau Delta Phi Fraternity is a commitment that encourages academic excellence, fosters good moral decisions, and enhances the ideals of brotherhood through the holistic development of its undergraduate and alumni members. Our relationship with our campus partners and society affords us the opportunity to discover men of character and develop the standard of tomorrow’s leaders.
Our Public Motto
He Shall Not Want, As Long As I Breathe, For He is My Brother
The Membership Certificate is given to each member upon initiation. It verifies the date and process of initiation. It is signed by the Grand Consul and Grand Scribe.
“Tau Delt” is the nickname for the fraternity and is the nickname for a brother of Tau Delta Phi.
Chapter Designations are created as follows: The Greek Alphabet, alpha through omega was used for the first set of chapters. After that, the first letter of the Fraternity’s name (Tau) was combined with a Greek letter to form the designation. Currently, we are on the second letter of the Fraternity’s name (Delta which is also combined with a Greek letter to give the chapter designation, and when the Delta Omega chapter is chartered at some future time, we will proceed to the Phi Alpha chapter, etc. When a chapter becomes inactive, its designation remains in place to be given to another group of men to start the chapter up again at that school (e.g. Rutgers University New Brunswick campus will always be the Tau Gamma chapter).
Founders’ Day is celebrated on July 16th each year. It is the day the founders were initiated into Tau Delta Phi, not the day of the Fraternity’s birth. It is traditional for Chapters to hang the flag of Tau Delta Phi out- side the Fraternity residence for the day, and to schedule some form of event in honor of the founders for that day.
Good & Welfare is the period of the meeting where members may speak candidly to their brothers in hopes of presenting and solving problems of a personal nature that arise in the chapter, and is conducted by the Custos. Each member stands during Good & Welfare and begins his speech with “Honorable Custos, Fellow Fraters, for the Good and Welfare of Tau Delta Phi …” and then makes whatever statements he feels are necessary to the chapter. At the end of the member’s speech, the member must, no matter the situation state, “It is Great to be a Tau Delt.” This is so that we recognize that ALL problems may be solved within the confines of our brotherhood, no matter how troublesome.